A conversation between two best friends - 'To live' and 'To die'


A conversation between ‘To live’ and ‘To die.


               In a small city somewhere in the cosmos there were two best friends one is ‘To live’ and the other is ‘To die’. They both were so close. Some even believe that they both are God’s creation. If even one of them did not have been created the other would have no life or meaning in the cosmos. They both had a superpower of seeing people thoughts of craving for them.


               One day as usual they both were taking a walk through the woods. ‘To live’ started a conversation by remembering the incidents which gave him a name “to live”.


 Imaginary - 'To live'

To live: I still remember how I got the name ‘To live’. When I was brought into this cosmos people were in love instantly. They always wanted me to be in there surrounding. Most of them would spend their time with joy and happiness around me. My parents tell me that whenever people saw me; they saw me as light, hope or beginning. That is why I was named ‘To live’. What was your name’s back story?

To die (laughs): My name’s back story is as opposite to yours. When I was brought into this cosmos people would often be afraid to come near to me. They would stay as far as they can from me. Even my parents would not let me near to them. People would often saw me as dark, hopeless or the end. That is why I was named ‘To die’.

To live: Don’t you feel sad about it?

To die: Sometimes I do feel sorrow, but you know the same people who run from me comes back to me at a certain time begging to let them be with me. Sometimes I do not understand their thoughts or nature. Don’t you feel like that?

To live(laughing): Yeah! I also have seen people like that. People who wanted me the most just runs away from me for no reason at all. Have you seen their thoughts when they come back to you?


               Both had superpowers of seeing the thoughts, but both had different visions. ‘To live’ would only see light and ‘To die’ would only see dark.


To die: Yeah, I have seen. When I see them, I feel like never leave them even though they want me away from them. I keep lingering to them. Every now and then I would make them miss me so badly that some people would come to me at middle of the night for no reason at all.

To live: Why would you do such horrible thing when they do not want you?

To die: As you have power of seeing only light in people you only see their happiness and success that is why you think it is horrible of me to be in them. But the truth as I see those thoughts are just horrible to be that way. It is better to be with me rather than acting happy. I have seen so many people looking for me even when they have absolutely done nothing wrong to feel that way. I know people come in search of me when they are totally tired or totally exhausted. At the start people would come in search of me only when they are wrong but nowadays people who have felt so much pain and suffering come in search of me.

To live: I understood the people who did wrong would come to you as they only see dark but what I did not get is that people who have light also come in search of you even when they see me but still they do not want me. You see their thoughts right. Can you tell me what those people see in you and come in search of you?

To die: I am warning you. It may make you cry and even can dim your light.

To live: I don’t care. I want to know.

To die: As I told you earlier these are the people who have suffered so much in spite being pretty good. I have seen them thinking light and suddenly the people around them crowd around that light, making it turn dark with no time. They do not break there. They try to fit in, but people push them away. As they go far from the people, they see only dark, and they search me. Not because they want me, but they think that is what people want.

To live: It is really a saddening thing, but I have seen the same kind of people search me even in the darkest of darkest places. I have seen people lost every hope they had, every light they had, lose every beginning they had but still they come to me. I do not understand but one thing for sure they have so much run in their mind and still unheard.

To die: I agree. All the unheard come to me and heard come for you. It looks simple but complicated. Isn’t it?

To live: Yes, it is.


Imaginary - 'To die'



                                                                          - story by 

(Prajwal Gowda)


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