After so many years dreaming and putting efforts to represent Indian cricket team was broken actually if I say broken it would be misunderstood I would rather say gave up when I last participated in U19 age group. Till then whenever I stepped into that field I felt like giving everything to that game even after so many rejections and disapprovals. Yes, it was all my fault who didn't put enough effort to get to the end line what I had set to myself. That doesn't mean I have not tried.  I have. Every time I get back and stand, I fell. I fell miserably. Yes, that too was my fault. I could have still tried after U19 but I choose not to. I had one incident where I lost all hopes and there was nothing to me to still hold on to that game. I felt betrayed after that incident. I know I am not the only one who had been betrayed from this game of cricket. However, my family never wanted me to give up on cricket because they had a dream. Not too big, but big enough for us middle class family to dream.  Yes, I agree talent plus hard work can over come any class but sometimes some middle class people need one opportunity. Let me say that again 'one opportunity'. That is what I feel I didn't get. When I was about to get that one opportunity some people whom we thought ours back stabbed and that one opportunity was lost. After that my life was full of misery. I lost people. Most precious ones. I lost faith in life. Actually lost faith in the way the life was going. I did things which I was not supposed to. I was lured into the dark. I lost way back and stayed in the dark for almost 3 or more years till ending of MAY 2022.  That means I recently have came out of that dark world not completely but still I now know the right path. I cannot achieve the dreams that I have set long before when I was U19 and the dreams of than but the goals were always to be independent. Independent from what? 

               Just think what we all look in a person now a days; his money, his standard, his religion, his circle, his Instagram followers, his bike, his home, his property, his family background, or in simple words except him itself we observe every other detail of a person. Isn't that true? You believe it or not it's the truth at least most of people are like this. They build relationship whatever the relationship it maybe they build considering the above facts. Only a successful persons are valued more than the people who are struggling to be successful. Only if the person is succeed he's struggles will be remembered if not no one cares. More than his name today his fame, his status, his money, his house, his motor vehicle, his circle and even from his parents they recognize. Not from you who really is putting efforts to be yourself. I want to be recognized by my present. Yes, I did lot of bad things in the past but that doesn't define me. I don't have bigger circle. I am not successful. I don't have motor vehicle of my own. I am not in social media either. My parents are not officials. We don't have property or own a house but I am happy in what I have today. That doesn't mean I don't have desire of owning a house, vehicle or luxury things. I do have but I don't want them to define who I am. For me that's independent.

                Why am I blabbing about myself? I am just an example for the people who are in path to create something for their own not to showcase to the world but are somewhere lost in that path and are lured into the dark. And because of their current state they feel can't stand up again. I want to tell those people that we all are fighting for something that is precious for us. It could be anything but keep in mind don't ever run behind the worldly desires they just push you away from your goals. Yes, you may have not even started walking the right path, you may have lost everything, you may have been hurt horribly, your hope may have burnt to ashes, whatever may have happened just don't decide the ending before the end. I too have failed. I too have been lost. My hope was also been burnt. But now I think I still got a fire in me. If I can make myself feel like that than you can too. Just focus on the things which are inter connected to your ultimate goals. As they say beautiful flowers are grown in dirty mud. So as "We rise in the midst of chaos". 




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