Life itself is the most important thing in our life.

 Life : A journey that never ends filled with things that aren't expected. 

We live in a world where we don't know what the next moment is bringing towards us. So, why do we live in fear of failure, criticism, hate and death?  Do what you love, spread love without expectations, enjoy little moments and have fun.We run behind things which we think they are important for to be happy in our lives but have we ever thought how beautiful is this life.

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
              - OSCAR WILDE  (Irish poet)

Most people surrounding us are just existing in this world. Running everyday for something that aren't their's nor anybodies. Don't just breath. Live. 
The joy that brings from little things like no other materialistic things that give you ephemeral joy. Focus on those little things. Remember to smile. Help others; I mean not only financially. Not everyone seeking help needs monetary support but rather you to be by their side giving them comfort and expecting to be loved and to be understood. 

Don't chase the worldly desires. Money, clothes, cars, bikes, mansions or any tangible things that are attracting your attention as an important things of life and shaping your life according to those needs then my friend you are living in temporary world. Those can only give pleasure as long as they are with you; once you lose all of them you will be regretting thinking that you had been chasing temporary happiness all that long. But, if you think 'life itself is the most important thing in your life' be ready to explore life to fullest and no other things can give you pleasure more than your life itself and you are going to change as a person. Most importantly you start living the life.

 Being in the midst of darkness but still be able to blaze; that is when you’re alive.

When life staging you lot of downs than ups but you still hanging on there like a last leaf hanging on the tree when the hurricane comes; that is when you’re alive.

People tell; you ain’t got the fire that had in you before but you know the fire can only be hidden not unseen it’s flame; that is when you’re alive.

You know; you have more failures than success but you still working day in day out hoping someday you get what you wished for; that is when you’re alive.

When people make fun of you of; what you do but you do what you love; that is when you’re alive”.



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