
Showing posts from July, 2021

Making that difference in others lives!

Depression : Most heard and most neglected word in modern days. What is depression? A mental health disorder that causes depressed mood, feeling low, creating doubts about one self and makes poor enthusiast in carrying their daily activities.  We neglect it because we never see it as a disease. According to WHO (World Health Organisation), more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression and it is a leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. It can lead to suicide and according to WHO, more than 700,000 people die due to suicide every year and suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29 years-old. So, why people suffer depression? Their are many factors that can cause depression. Mainly can be seen between the ages of 15-29 years old. This is the age period where we get exposure to the world and we see discrimination, social violence, lack of self confidence and addicted to social well being mor...

Life itself is the most important thing in our life.

  Life : A journey that never ends filled with things that aren't expected.  We live in a world where we don't know what the next moment is bringing towards us. So, why do we live in fear of failure, criticism, hate and death?   Do what you love, spread love without expectations, enjoy little moments and have fun. We run behind things which we think they are important for to be happy in our lives but have we ever thought how beautiful is this life. " To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."               - OSCAR WILDE  (Irish poet) Most people surrounding us are just existing in this world. Running everyday for something that aren't their's nor anybodies. Don't just breath. Live.    The joy that brings from little things like no other materialistic things that give you ephemeral joy. Focus on those little things. Remember to smile. Help others; I mean not only financially. Not everyon...