Review of the book “Savarkar: Echoes from a Forgotten Past 1883-1924”

When it comes to books I am much of a non-fiction fanatic. I always looked for stories that are fact-based and are actual incidents that give you real-life perspectives. I am neither a rightist and defiantly not a leftist. But whenever I used to see chaos arise around just by the name of ‘Savarkar’ I always thought about why some people hate him and why some people take a stand for him. I wanted to be on neither of the sides. All I wanted was to know about the person. The perspectives that surround him on both sides are unsatisfactory. So, I purchased the book ‘ Savarkar: Echoes from a Forgotten Past 1883-1924 ’ by Vikram Sampath. This is the first book I have with me from the author. I saw a small clip of Vikram Sampath talking in one of his publishing shows and I liked how he portrayed his work ethic. Where h...